Donate + Support

At TMAP, our journey towards creating a vibrant community arts hub on Tamborine Mountain is fuelled by your support and belief in our vision. As a registered not-for-profit organization, we are committed to transforming the cultural landscape with integrity and transparency.

Your contributions are not only 100% tax-deductible but also a direct investment into the arts and community spirit. We are accepting donations via Creative Australia on the Australian Cultural Fund (ACF) fundraising platform, to ensure that every donation reaches us securely. The ACF has helped raise millions of dollars for Australian artists, enabling a wide range of projects to come to life and offering support to Australia’s cultural sector.

DGR - Deductible Gift Recipient

100% Tax Deductible Receipts Issued

Registered Not-for-profit

Please note: For strategic reasons related to the upcoming auction, we will not publicly disclose the total amount raised. This ensures competitive discretion regarding our budget at bidding

The figure shown on the ACF donation page will not reflect the complete sum of contributions, as we are also securing significant commitments, privately, towards our goal.

Your support is the cornerstone of this visionary project, and we thank you deeply for helping bring it to life. Together, we are crafting a future where arts and community flourish in unison. 

If you have any questions and would like more information please contact:

John Tardy
+61 414 188 053

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