What is the Tamborine Mountain Arts Precinct (TMAP)?

TMAP is a registered not-for-profit dedicated to building a vibrant community arts hub on Tamborine Mountain. The goal is to provide a platform for local artists, fostering creativity and uniting the community through cultural celebration. This precinct will showcase the region's artistic talent, becoming a cornerstone for cultural tourism and community engagement.

Is this an investment opportunity?

It is not an investment opportunity, but rather an opportunity for those who share a passion for the arts and culture, where your generosity, in supporting this community project, is fully tax deductable.

Are donations tax deductible?

Yes, donations to TMAP through the Australian Cultural Fund (ACF) are tax-deductible. Donors will receive a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) receipt from the ACF, making contributions eligible for a tax deduction in accordance with Australian tax laws.

How do tax deductible donations work?

In Australia, donations made to registered not-for-profits with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status can be tax-deductible. This means when you donate to such an organization, you may be able to deduct the amount of your gift from your taxable income. 

Donations to TMAP, made via the Australian Cultural Fund (ACF) donation page, will receive tax-deductible receipts for all eligible donations, allowing you to claim a tax deduction when filing your return, in accordance with Australian tax regulations. Always consult with a tax professional for advice on your specific situation.

How do I make a donation?

You can make a donation via our Donation + Support page.  

All donations are received through ACF, on behalf of TMAP, and transferred, to ensure secure and transparent transfer of funds.

Why should TMAP have to buy the Winery from the Scenic Rim Regional Council?

This is not for comment by TMAP. For more information, please contact the Scenic Rim Regional Council.

What happens if TMAP is unsuccessful in purchasing the Winery?

Our focus and sights are set firmly on purchasing the Winery on Iconic Gallery Walk, Tamborine Mountain, QLD, to convert into a Community Arts Precinct. However, should TMAP be unsuccessful in purchasing the Winery, we will be pursuing an alternative property on Tamborine Mountain.

Will my donation be returned if the Winery purchase is unsuccessful?

Should TMAP be unsuccessful in purchasing the Winery, the following options will be offered to each Donor;

I: Return 100% of Donor Donations
II: Contribute the Donations to the alternative property.

How much money has been raised?

TMAP is bidding at auction for the property, and therefore will not publicly communicate the amount of funds raised before the auction.

How will TMAP operate?

TMAP will be overseen by a board of three directors, supported by committee members dedicated to various aspects of the TMAP’s operations. To ensure the day-to-day functions, TMAP  will employ paid staff for essential roles and will also rely on the invaluable contributions of volunteers. This structure is designed to maintain a sustainable and vibrant arts community while fostering growth and community involvement.

Can I be on the Committee?

Committee positions are generally filled based on specific needs and skills. Throughout the fundraising phase of the project, we are operating with a core Committee team. After the purchase of  a property, and before the doors are open for trading, invitations for applications will be published.

Will there be jobs available at the Precinct?

Yes, the Precinct will create a number of job opportunities, contributing to the local economy.

How do I get a job at the Precinct?

When positions become available, they will be advertised on our website and via local channels, to which anyone is welcome to apply.

How can I help?

You can help by volunteering, donating, and spreading the word about TMAP’s mission.

I don’t want more tourists on the Mountain.

The TMAP team, as local residents, appreciates Tamborine Mountain's allure for both living and visiting. While tourism is inherent to such a beautiful locale, the upcoming sale of the iconic old Winery presents a unique opportunity. Our community-focused initiative seeks to guide this in a positive direction. With TMAP's stewardship, we aim to promote the Mountain's artistic and environmental virtues, offering educational and inspiring experiences that align with and respect the community's values and lifestyle.