Rally Behind TMAP: Your support is vital!

We're thrilled by the growing momentum behind the Tamborine Mountain Arts Precinct (TMAP) project, and your unwavering support is propelling us forward.

A critical moment is approaching for TMAP. We're gearing up for an important meeting with the Queensland state government to advocate our vision to create one of Australia's leading community arts precincts in the Gold Coast Hinterland.

The TMAP project holds immense potential to revitalise Gallery Walk, boost our local cultural scene, and stimulate economic growth. Influential figures, including local business owners and local government representatives, recognise its significance, often referring to the project as a ‘no-brainer’. 

However, despite this enthusiasm, community support is now crucial in demonstrating the demand and excitement of TMAP's vision to the state government. Your active involvement is vital in reinforcing our case. You can help in showcasing our collective strength and passion by taking any of the following actions:

Sign the Petition: Add your voice to the movement by signing our petition. 

Each signature strengthens our efforts and underscores the urgency of our cause:


Please be sure to verify your email after signing the petition, or your signature won’t count.

Share on Social Media: Spread the word by sharing our updates and petition on social media. Your shares play a crucial role in expanding our reach and fostering a stronger TMAP community.

Submit Letters of Support: Share your personal endorsement of TMAP by sending a letter to hello@tmap.space. Your testimonials will be instrumental in showcasing broad-based community support for our initiative.

Thank you for joining us on this transformative journey. Together, let's make this vision a reality together.


Advancing Towards Our Vision: TMAP Engages With the Queensland Government for Alternate Pathway


Pause = Progress: Council Halts Auction for Tamborine Mountain Arts Precinct Proposal