TMAP Advocates for Positive Outcome

As seen in August, 2024 edition of Tamborine Mountain News.

Dear TMAP Supporters,

The Tamborine Mountain Arts Precinct (TMAP) has appealed to the Minister for State Development and Infrastructure, Grace Grace MP, requesting a delay to the planned auction of the old Tamborine Winery property on Gallery Walk until after the October State election. TMAP believes this postponement could provide an opportunity to present their proposal for a new arts precinct to any incoming government, should there be a change in leadership.

Federal Member for Wright, Scott Buchholz, and State Member for Scenic Rim, Jon Krause, have both expressed full support for the arts precinct proposal. TMAP representatives, including John and two colleagues, Glen Pittock and Anne Hardy, met with Minister Grace Grace on July 8 to discuss the project. While the Minister was initially receptive, she has since informed TMAP that her department is unable to assist in securing the property for the proposed arts precinct.

TMAP has responded to the Minister, pointing out an error in the strategy presented to Queensland Treasury, from State Development, and have requested a review of their response. They remain concerned that the property could be auctioned soon and fear missing out on the opportunity due to a lack of funding.

The auction, previously scheduled for December 8, 2023, has been delayed following damage caused by a Christmas tornado. However, John emphasized the significance of the property, stating, "The economic impact for Tamborine Mountain if this community asset is sold would be enormous—a massive missed opportunity for Queensland."

The proposal has garnered significant support, with over 1,100 signatures on a petition and formal backing from local businesses, artists, the film industry, and political figures. "Every business owner on Gallery Walk is eager for this project to happen—it will reinvigorate the area," John explained, voicing frustration at the council's lack of active support.

John remains worried that the property could be sold, potentially losing what he believes could become a world-class arts precinct for the Scenic Rim.

Please stay tuned to our Blog and Social Media channels for updates. 


TMAP’s Meeting with QLD Minister for State Development