Scenic Rim Regional Council Votes Against TMAP's Request for Auction Extension

On Wednesday, May 22nd, the day TMAP was approved of its official Community Charity Status by the Australian Charities & Not-for-profits Commissions (ACNC), the Scenic Rim Regional Council (SRRC) chose not to support the Tamborine Mountain Arts Precinct's (TMAP) proposal to extend the pause on the auction of 122 Long Road (Gallery Walk). TMAP had requested an additional six months to explore all avenues to secure the property and convert it into a Community Arts Precinct.

In response to this decision, TMAP has sought clarification from SRRC by first calling for a meeting with the Mayor, who earlier this year told TMAP of his support for the extension and of the concept of a Community Arts Precinct. The Mayor has declined to meet with TMAP to discuss clarification. Secondly, TMAP has written a letter to Mayor Sharp, CEO Mr. Keenan, and all Councilors, requesting an explanation for the decision to proceed with the auction despite the extension request. As of now, SRRC has not extended TMAP, and community, the courtesy of a reply to the request for clarification.

TMAP believes that the due process to refuse the project was not exhausted and is disappointed by SRRC’s refusal to meet when TMAP has presented them with evidence of overwhelming community support.

TMAP will continue to seek an explanation from SRRC and to share updates as they become available. TMAP remains hopeful that SRRC, committed to promoting the arts in the region, will demonstrate this commitment through their actions.

Despite this result, TMAP is continuing the conversation with State Government to achieve a mutually beneficial arrangement between SRRC, State Government, TMAP and the Scenic Rim Community.


TMAP’s Meeting with QLD Minister for State Development


Advancing Towards Our Vision: TMAP Engages With the Queensland Government for Alternate Pathway